Hope Community Charter School is reaching out to the community to help open our doors. We believe it takes a village, and we are asking you to join our village, which will educate and affect hundreds of young lives. To help us achieve our goal, Hope has created a foundation whose goal is to raise the money needed to launch the school and provide a safe building and the curriculum essentials for a successful program.
The foundation has produced a catalog of curriculum materials and classroom supplies needed to start the program. The catalog allows donors to choose specific items that must be funded for Hope’s program to come to life. The funds that are raised will help Hope Community Charter School to open its doors and provide an opportunity for educational equity to the families of Camden City. Currently, our greatest need is our building fund. The building fund will pay for much needed renovations to what is currently a deteriorated space and make it a safe learning environment where children can flourish.
Please take a few minutes out of your day to read the attached catalog and see how easy it is for you to give the gift of a quality education. Find the educational tools that you would like to contribute and make a donation using our online link. By doing that, you join our village and make a difference in the life of a child. If you know others who would like to join us, please invite them to help. Please forward this link and catalog to other family and friends who also want to support educational equality.